Thursday, November 8, 2007

(7-13) responce....

"You hold still -I'll go en see."(Chap.9, pg 38, par3)
i think he is most influenced by Jim, they spend most of there time with each other, and no matter how much trouble he could get in having Jim with him he never tells in him.

"I took an old sack and put a lot of big rocks in it, - all I could drag - and I started it from the pig and dragged it to the door through the woods down to the river and dumped it in, and down it sunk, out of sight. You could easy see that something had been dragged over the ground."(Chap.7, pg.25,par 2)
and i think the negative energy comes from his dad pap. he hits him, locks him in the house all the time. and treats him horrible.

"I did wish Tom Sawyer was there, I knowed he would take an intrest in this kind of business.” (chap.7, pg25,par 2)
he is possitvly influnced by tom b/c when hes with him he gets to be a kid again and not have any worrys and have a friend his age.

The positive influence that Widow Douglas has on Huck is that she wants him to do well, and be proper and get a good education. Not to grow up and be like his father. A quote that was stated by widow was “Take your hands away, Huckleberry- what a mess you are always making.” (ch.4, pg.12 par. 1)
she has a negative affect is that she is always nagging at Huck and he’s tired of it. The only reason why she puts up with him is because she wants some of hucks money.